
HPE Renew

Pred objednaním si, prosím, overte aktuálnu dostupnosť (ak nie je produkt skladom u eD). Podmienky na RENEW trhu sa menia rýchlo. Nie je možné garantovať dostupnosť ani cenu, pokiaľ tovar nemáme skladom.

HPE Renew predstavuje rozsiahle portfólio kompletne remanufakturovaných HPE produktov za extrémne výhodné ceny. HPE Renew produkty ponúka rovnakú spoľahlivosť a výkon ako nové produkty. HPE Renew skvelá alternatíva pre limotovaný IT rozpočet, kedy je potreba vysoko kvalitné riešenie za nízku cenu.

Skvelý pomer cena/výkon

Získajte vysoko kvalitné riešenia a ušetrite najmenej 15% s produktmi HPE Renew, ktoré ponúkajú rovnakú spoľahlivosť, funkčnosť a záruku ako pri nových produktoch HPE. HPE Renew poskytuje vysoký výkon a nízku cenu riešení tam, kde sa cena skutočne počíta.

HPE Overená kvalita

HPE Renew produkty boli podrobené kompletnými výrobnými a skúšobnými procesmi. HPE ručí za to, že všetky produkty Renew spĺňajú pôvodné parametre.

Plná HPE záruka

HPE Renew produkty sú zahrnuté do same-as-new HPE záruky, zabezpečenie kvality a spoľahlivosti HPE. Rovnako ako pri nových produktoch, plná záručná doba začína plynúť od dátumu zakúpenia.


HPE Renew offers an extensive portfolio of completely remanufactured Hewlett Packard Enterprise products and solutions to meet your business needs – at extremely attractive prices. HPE Renew products offer the same reliability and performance as new Hewlett Packard Enterprise products, but for at least 15% less than the cost of the equivalent new product. If you have a limited IT budget, HPE Renew is the perfect alternative – high quality solutions at a lower cost.

Top 3 reasons to buy HPE Renew

Great Value for Money

HPE Renew offers an extensive portfolio of completely remanufactured Hewlett Packard Enterprise products and solutions to meet your business needs – at extremely attractive prices. HPE Renew products offer the same reliability and performance as new Hewlett Packard Enterprise products, but for at least 15% less than the cost of the equivalent new product. If you have a limited IT budget, HPE Renew is the perfect alternative – high quality solutions at a lower cost. HPE Certified Quality

HPE Renew products are guaranteed to be as good as new. All HPE Renew products undergo a complete Hewlett Packard Enterprise remanufacturing and testing process, fully restoring them to meet HPE certified standards. It is only then that they qualify for full HPE warranty – guaranteeing HPE quality and reliability. Hewlett Packard Enterprise sets strict quality standards for its entire technology portfolio, and ensures that remanufactured products offer the same performance and reliability as new products.

Full HPE Warranty

HPE Renew products are covered by the full same-as-new HPE warranty starting from the date of purchase – the same warranty offered with new Hewlett Packard Enterprise products. HPE Renew products are only given the full original warranty after passing Hewlett Packard Enterprise's stringent quality tests, guaranteeing HPE quality and reliability. Additional service and support options are available to complement the original HPE product warranty.

RENEW video presentation